In a commendable act of commitment to education, H.E Governor Susan Kihika has fulfilled her promise to Gilbert Kipng’etich from Amalo Ward, Kuresoi South Sub-county. Kipng’etich, a student at Mt Kenya University, faced financial challenges threatening his education journey. However, the Governor stepped in and covered his school fees, ensuring he could continue and complete his studies.
Deputy Governor David Kones, in a ceremony held at the County Headquarters, presented a bursary cheque of Ksh 80,000 to Kipng’etich. Expressing gratitude, Kones thanked Governor Susan Kihika for her dedication to assisting students from humble backgrounds, emphasizing that education is a powerful equalizer that enables individuals to pursue their dreams.
Kones highlighted the Governor’s commitment to providing equal services to all residents of Nakuru County, irrespective of their ethnic background. Kipng’etich, visibly delighted upon receiving the cheque, expressed his thanks to Governor Kihika, pledging to work hard and not disappoint the County Government of Nakuru and the people of Amalo Ward.
The ceremony was attended by Chief of Staff Peter Ketyenya, Political Advisor Hon. Joseph Rutoh Kibore, Chief Officers John Koech (Education), and Martin Kagai (Office of the Governor). This act underscores Nakuru County’s dedication to supporting education and empowering its youth.