Nakuru Agricultural Training Center Enhances Expertise Through Capacity-Building Tour

Capacity-Building Tour at Baraka Agricultural College

The technical and non-technical team from the Nakuru Agricultural Training Center (ATC), along with extension officers from Njoro, Rongai, and Bahati Sub-Counties, embarked on a capacity-building tour at Baraka Agricultural College in Molo. The comprehensive training covered key areas such as apiculture, organic farming, and nursery management.

The purpose of the tour was to equip the team with advanced knowledge and skills that can be directly applied in their roles at the ATC. The enhanced expertise will play a crucial role in improving farmers’ training and demonstrations conducted at the centre.

The Nakuru ATC serves as a vital resource for farmers, addressing the need for coherent skills and knowledge dissemination across various agricultural value chains. By offering training in skill-based agricultural technologies, farming practices, and value addition, among other areas, the ATC contributes to the empowerment of farmers in Nakuru County. The recent capacity-building tour further strengthens the centre’s ability to provide valuable and up-to-date information to the local farming community.

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