In a strategic collaboration between the Nakuru County Government and the Cereal Growers Association (CGA), a transformative dialogue coffee bar session unfolded at Menengai Social Hall. Youth from Kuresoi North, Kuresoi South, Molo, Njoro, Rongai, Subukia, Bahati, Nakuru East & Nakuru West congregated to explore untapped opportunities in agri-business. The event, organized as part of International Youth Week (IYW), aimed to inspire and equip young people with the knowledge and connections needed to thrive in the agricultural sector.
The primary objective of the session was to encourage youth engagement in agri-business, recognizing its potential as a key avenue for economic empowerment amid high youth unemployment rates. The discussion delved into the importance of providing training in agribusiness and establishing robust marketing connections to facilitate the youth’s entry into this sector.
County Executive Committee Member for Youth Sports Gender and Social Services, Josephine Achieng, urged the youth to embrace agri-business as a viable path to economic empowerment. The theme of the coffee bar, “Farm to Market Alliance (FtMA) empowering youth agriprenuers,” underscored the significance of creating a seamless connection between agricultural producers and the market.
The event brought together a spectrum of stakeholders and government officials committed to youth development. Notable figures in attendance included Education Executive Member Zipporah Ngugi, Chief Officers Stellah Mwaura (Youth and Sports), Newton Mwaura (Agriculture), and John Koech (Education). The Director of Youth Affairs Josephat Kimemia was also present, alongside representatives from Ajiry, DCA, Youth Fund, Tribeless Youth, MG Innovation Hub, Realz Hand of Love, Team leader WFP Michael Njagi, and CGA Team leader Calvince Onyuka.
The dialogue coffee bar served as a dynamic platform for meaningful conversations, allowing youth to interact directly with key stakeholders and gain insights into the agricultural value chain. By fostering partnerships between the government, organizations, and the youth, Nakuru County is cultivating a future where agri-business becomes a driver of economic growth, job creation, and sustainable development. As the dialogue continues, it is a step toward realizing the untapped potential within the vibrant youth demographic, turning aspirations into tangible opportunities within the agricultural landscape.