Nakuru County Extends Emergency Relief to Fire-Affected Family in Njoro Ward

Emergency Relief to Fire-Affected Family in Njoro

In a proactive response to a tragic incident, Joyce Ncece, Chief Officer for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance in Nakuru County, led an initiative to provide emergency relief to the family of Benson Mburu. The family had suffered the loss of their house due to a fire in Njoro Ward.

The relief items delivered included essential supplies such as iron sheets, blankets, mattresses, and various cooking items. This timely intervention aims to alleviate the immediate challenges faced by the affected family and offer support during the recovery process.

Ncece took the opportunity to emphasize the importance of exercising caution when using electrical equipment, as it is a common cause of home fires. The awareness campaign aims to promote safety measures and reduce the risk of such incidents in the community.

Expressing gratitude for the swift response, Njoro Ward MCA Ezekiah Kung’u appreciated the emergency relief efforts by Governor Susan Kihika’s administration. Kung’u also highlighted ongoing development projects in the area, including the Njoro main market, the grading of the Njoro day-to-railways road, and the Rumwe drainage works, reflecting the administration’s commitment to comprehensive community development.

The relief effort demonstrates the county’s dedication to supporting its residents in times of crisis and working towards building a resilient and responsive community. Others present during the relief delivery included Administrator Rose Kimungei and Coordinator Ruth Kamau.

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