Nakuru County Launches Induction Workshop to Empower Climate Change Planning Committees

Empowering Climate Change Planning Committees

The Department of Water, Energy, Environment, and Climate Change, in partnership with SEAF-Kenya, has initiated a comprehensive three-day induction workshop. The workshop targets the Ward Climate Change Planning Committees across Nakuru Town East, Kuresoi North and South, Bahati, and Subukia Sub-counties.

The main objective of this workshop is to equip these committees with the necessary skills for proposal development. These proposals are aimed at fostering climate-resilient projects within their respective wards. Grace Karanja, the Director for Environment, highlighted the County Government of Nakuru’s commitment, under the leadership of Governor Susan Kihika, towards proactive climate change interventions.

“Through this grassroots approach, we aim to promote meaningful participation and engagement of individuals at the ward level. This ensures that resources from programs like the World Bank’s FLLoCA are effectively utilized, transparently managed, and held accountable to address the challenges faced by local communities,” noted Ms. Karanja.

The training was attended by Environmental officers and representatives from WWF-Kenya & SDI.

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