Nakuru County Takes Proactive Measures Ahead of Anticipated El Nino Rainfall

Preparations ahead of El nino

In response to the alert issued by the Kenya Meteorological Department about the high likelihood of El Nino rainfall between October and December 2023, Nakuru County is proactively taking steps to minimize the potential impact of heavy rainfall. Today, the Acting County Secretary, Dr. Samuel Mwaura, led a productive meeting with various County Departments and National Government Agencies, including KURA, KERRA, and KENHA. The collaborative effort aims to formulate a comprehensive multi-agency plan, which will be presented to the Governor for implementation.

Key areas requiring immediate attention were identified during the meeting, including the KFA Roundabout and a section of the highway below the railway-crossing bridge, known for their vulnerability to flooding. To gain a better understanding of the situation, the team visited other areas that have experienced similar issues, such as the Gioto dumpsite, London, Milimani, and the ongoing Mbugua Drainage project. The action plan will also encompass vulnerable areas in Naivasha, Gilgil, Kuresoi North and South, Njoro, Molo, Bahati, and Nakuru East and West.

The proactive approach involves not only addressing current concerns but also preparing for potential challenges in various parts of the county. The team, including Chief Officer for Infrastructure Kennedy Mugo, Martin Gichinga from the Governor’s Office, officials from KENHA, KERRA, and KURA, along with other County officials, is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of Nakuru residents during the anticipated heavy rainfall associated with El Nino.

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