In the aftermath of the devastating road accident at Eveready that claimed the lives of several individuals, including Hellen Kemunto, the Chief Officer for Public Participation and Citizen Engagement, Edward Gitau, led a compassionate delegation from the office of Governor Susan Kihika to condole with the grieving families.
This evening, the team visited the family of Hellen Kemunto in Kaptembwo to convey Governor Kihika’s heartfelt condolences and offer financial support towards the burial arrangements. The Governor’s contribution comes in addition to the waived hospital bills for all victims of the tragic accident, demonstrating a commitment to easing the burden on affected families during this difficult time.
Joined by representatives from various offices, including Francis Njoroge from the political office, Martin Gichinga from the Office of the Governor, a representative from MP Samuel Arama’s office, and Joel Nyandieka, the Governor’s Kaptembwa ward Coordinator, Chief Officer Edward Gitau expressed solidarity with the bereaved family and the community at large.
The bereaved family expressed profound gratitude to Governor Susan Kihika for her support and assistance during their time of mourning. They conveyed their appreciation for the Governor’s leadership and wished her continued success in her role.
This visit to the family of Hellen Kemunto marks the fifth out of seven families that the Governor’s office has reached out to in the wake of the tragic accident. The Governor’s commitment to personally extending condolences and providing support underscores the importance of empathy and solidarity during times of crisis.
As Nakuru County mourns the loss of lives and grapples with the aftermath of the accident, the Governor’s office continues to stand with affected families, offering both emotional support and practical assistance. Through collective efforts and unwavering compassion, the community is finding strength and resilience in coming together to support one another during this challenging period